Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Recreate Your World

Welcome to "Recreate Your World"

If you are just joining in please read my first post on this subject. That is the proper place to start so that you are not left out on any issue. You can do this by visiting the archives section on this page, or clicking on the post on the post listings.

Today we have to learn from God. We will study how He created the universe.I want you to observe within His actions, the Principle that caused these things to be so. Until you grasp this Principle, you will not trust your Power to Create. Remember I am writing for Sons and Daughters of God; persons who understand they are in union with God, and that He is at work within them with His full Power/potential. If you are not yet, but want to become one of such; you can click here to read about how.

The Bible says this of God, "...the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." Romans 4:17c - NIV.
" ... even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist". Romans 4:17 - NASB

I love the reading from the New American Standard Bible. It says God created by calling into being those things which are not. No prior evidence to the 'called' coming to pass, and yet they came into being! What audacity! Being able to pronounce what you want to see and have it. He still does the same today through us His Sons, whom He made in His own image (as He is), and in whom He Lives!
The Book of Genesis records that "In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth,.... and God said 'Let there be light and there was light....'". In other words, He said 'Let it be so' and 'it was so', exactly as He wanted it when He said it. God being spiritual spoke unseen words and physical things took shape/ came on the stage; that were not there before. The New International Version says He speaks of unseen and 'inexisting' or immaterial things as if they already exist physically.
This clearly demonstrates the principle/fact i included in my first post on this subject.
There is power in spoken words to bring to existence what has been described by the tongue. Words originate from thoughts, and thoughts from the heart where there is passion, strong feeling and Energy for life. . In another place, Scriptures teach that the words we speak are spirit and life. Yet in another, Christ warns us against idle and careless use of words, for which we shall be brought into Judgement. This is because whatever we say must be accomplished, even though most of us are usually oblivious of the after-effects of our words. God admonishes us therefore to be careful about what we are passionate about in our hearts and how we use our speech, because what we are so passionate about always constitute our words and thus our consistent results.
So to create is this simple: Say it and have it!


As earlier emphasized, the Believer in God has the Son of God living through His Spirit on the inside of him or her, with as equal creative power. The God in him or her is not less than the God who created the universe and gives life to all living things. Now i want us to focus on the Indwelling God in us - believers. He is bigger than the world and so you too are spiritually bigger than the world!The Scriptures teach that the entire world which was made by Him is held in place by the same (God in Us/Christ), by the WORD of HIS POWER..
. The earth rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun
. The moon and the other planets in their rightful places
. The galaxies and stars, satellites
. The milky way
. Everything in outer space etc

Look to earth and in the world of men
. The Kingdoms and governments of this earth
. The lives of men, fauna and flora
. The glaciers that they may not overflow the earth
. The mountains and seas - He sets their heights and limits respectively
. You name it
... All that is or had been are upheld by His Powerful Word! He determines what will be and gets the long-term as well as short-term results. So it is abundantly clear that He who made the world Rules the world. This is where we come in.
Many people affirm the sovereignty of God in all human affairs, but don't stress sufficiently enough the responsibility of God's children as co-determinants with Him. God has made Christians co-creators with Him, He has made us partners in His Business of Governing the world; I pray we take His word as it is.
So away with the self-belittling and profession of weakness so common with so-called Christians of today. Gone are those days! It is time for us to rise up to our full potential. Instead of sitting down to allow circumstances in our world control us, we are to rather recreate our world using the Power within us! We are to have exactly what we desire by using the right words at the right moments. It is the duty of each and every Child of God to make things happen in their respective worlds and the worlds of others, rather than watch them happen!
Except you see yourself as a Representative of God on earth you cannot recreate your world! Unless you start to see yourself as one with God, as a carrier of omnipotence, you will doubt even your own ability to change circumstances for your own good! Unless you realise Christ's purpose in you is to create through you those events of life that bring about your fulfilment and that of others, you will continue to live in frustration and limitation because your spirit is still subservient to the weakness of your mind. You need to understand that from the very day you invited the Omnipotent God into your spirit, you became a Power House.
Many of us complain all day long, all life-long because we allow the happenings around us to determine what we get or who we become rather than the other way round. We get so startled and knocked off our feet by the news, how we get so worried about what others are doing for or against us, how we feel our world crashing in and crumbling beyond repairs when find things not going the way we planned! Why this feeling? Why this disposition of the heart? Why this reluctance to initiate change in our worlds? The answer lies primarily on our take on who we are. Once you see yourself as the only creature with the potential to recreate, you will set about recreating your own world. You will talk positive because you want to get positive. You will have a proper handle on life. You will act creatively when faced with challenges -using the right words and believing the right things- rather sitting back and grumbling like those put beyond the power of progress!


Obviously 'yes'!
The reader certainly wants this position justified. First of all you must agree that if you are born again, then the God of the universe lives in you - "For the Kingdom is within you" - and so has brought the whole world under your control. He has put your own life/your world/your destiny/your outcome into your hands. You become what/who you say you are.
Remember! How does God uphold His world? By His WORD. How will you uphold your own world, or How will you get God to fix things in place for you? By your words. God wants to uphold your world by speaking His word through your spirit, and this through your mouth. So we find again our responsibility coming in. We are absolutely responsible for what we get or for who we become!
So you can really create a new world for yourself. This is what I mean by recreating your own world. You have to say something, and with all the enthusiasm and will from your heart/inner being. Don't keep your mouth shut in your present situation! Want to come out from the frustration? want real fulfilment? You name it. But it now depends on you.
In the next sections I will build your confidence on this principle, backed with Scriptural references. I will answer questions like this 'Can i say a word from my inner man and see it happen? Can I truly become anything I want if I decide to? Can I live my life differently? etc'... so that you can fully trust yourself and set on to live your desires, and to achieve your dreams or at least work now with the will and a perfect mind to achieve them. Read on.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


You are welcome. Certainly, the caption "Recreate Your World" does not seem absurd nor scary to you. I am convinced you did not 'stumble' on this site. You were looking for it. You are reading this article probably because you are not satisfied with your life, you find your life frustrating, what you see when you look into the mirror is not who you want to see. Others may not see it, but you know you are not fulfilled. You find a gap in your life, you live with the reality that you are not achieving your dreams or that you are living another man's life.

Enough of that state of affairs if you will Let me introduce you straightaway how to Recreate Your World. The contents of this site are written primarily for sons and daughters of the universe, persons who have a relationship with the God/Creator of the universe. He still has the power to create today. So i bring to your notice a collection of some principles that make things happen mainly drawn from the Life/Ways of this God and from the Bible.


I will contextually define the term 'world' to mean a realm of life, a system of living, a sphere or network of principles, governed by spiritual and physical laws; and in which you live. The world actually does not mean the physical earth, but an aggregate of men. Men make up the world. Also we can have 'The World of the Dead, The World of the Living, The World of Moslems, The World of Buddhists, The World of Teachers, The World of Losers, The World of Engineers'; you name them. So there are as many worlds as there are walks of life, as there are religions etc. In each of these worlds, the concerned have a certain custom/practices andphilosopy or set of beliefs - some negative and others positive- such that their entire lives are governed by them. The above mentioned are so fused with every second of their day to day lives that their entire characters and personalities are pervaded by the same.

All those groups together form what is generally referred to as 'the world' on the larger scale - the entire community of men. Now I will say that 'there are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materialising our desires'. These laws naturally affect the process of being. They determine the course of destiny, who we eventually become and what we get or what profession we take etc. Yet many people are oblivious of them. All the same, once these laws are fully understood and complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality with absolute certainty, without any mistakes. Some people comply with these laws without much ado yet without knowing, and so face little or no difficulties being who they are. However, the majority of persons in the world pass into eternity without ever fulfilling their dreams. They go into their graves with remorse, self-depreciation and guilt for a life they correctly assert to have wasted. They would happily accept another chance to take it all over and to fix it up, but man has only one life.


So this site has been created for you, because i know you want to fix it in your lifetime, you certainly don't want to go into your grave saying 'Had I known'. I want to introduce your world to you - very important! You cannot go about changing what you are not informed about. So the first steps in recreating your world are these:

  • Define your world. Know your purpose in this life. Ask yourself and ask God "Who am I? What am I doing in this world? For what purpose came I into this world? How do I proceed into my destiny?" For there is a thing only you can do in this world. There is a gap only you can fill. If you don't become who you are, you will live many others out there unfulfilled, because you had a part to play in their lives, for the whole of humanity, yet you did not do it. This is why many people in the world today carry depression on their faces though meaningfully employed. They seem to be fighting against their destiny, fighting against their true selves! The scenery toughens when such persons realise their true purpose yet refuse to live in that light; ie to switch from living another man's life to theirs.

Learn from Jonah (I will say more after, but read Jonah Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4).

  • Think-Talk positively about your world. There is real and unrealised potential in your thoughts and words. If you understand the power your intention(s) and utterances have on your entire being, them you will not hesitate to get optimistic about yourself; only the optimistic mind gets positive results. Your consistent thoughts and utterances create your consistent results. In other words, you are what you think you are and who you say you are! And the Bible supports this position.

Proverbs 23:7 reads " For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:..." and Proverbs 4:23 admonishes "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life"- KJV

The thoughts of your heart affect what you say and, given their potential, also determine what you get. Your spirit has the ability to create what you nurse in your heart. Also know that you life is basically spiritual; man is a spirit, and it is your spirit that actually lives - albeit in your body. There are many people who see themselves as 'no good', 'misfits', 'zeros', 'not good for anything' etc. Like I earlier mentioned, these thoughts and words permeate their whole being so that, try as hard as they might they never make a headway in life. They keep revolving in a vicious cycle of mishaps.

Take a good example from students preparing for an exam or studying in a particular subject say chemistry: Their hearts have been fooled into believing that this subject is so difficult because they allowed their minds to think in that direction. It may have resulted from what others said or from a past failure. Now, because of the disposition of their hearts, they never succeed in the subject whatever their efforts, however hard they try at it. They never get to understand the subject not because it is difficult or because of the teacher's approach etc, but because of what they hold in their minds and hearts. Don't be fooled by the excuses many of them will give for failing. They are the cause of not acheiving their dreams. God holds them responsible for not getting what they are supposed to get.

Once you understand that you are the cause of / are responsible for everything that happens in your world, you will take steps to ammend it. I have shown you the first step how (after defining your world); Be optimistic in your thoughts and speech about yourself. See yourself as good, perfect, beautiful, skillful, capable, qualified, knowledgeable, the image of God. Speak words that will catapult you into your destiny, invoke positive change into your life. The elements of the universe are ready to obey you; to bring to pass what lies in your heart. If they are positive, then you are sure on the way to Recreate Your World.